Are you intrigued about the life of a sailor?  Do you love traditional sailing ships?  Is the ocean calling you?

Join us on brigantine Matthew Turner for a skills building experience for ages 18 and up.


  • Friday August 23:  Board in Sausalito at 8 am, set sail for Drakes Bay, anchor there for a peaceful night sleep on board
  • Saturday August 24:  Lay Day in the Drakes Bay Anchorage.  Relax on board or choose your adventure:  Enjoy the scenery, Explore the Bay by kayak, Delve into ship life and skills building
  • Sunday August 24:  Sail home via the Gulf of the Farallones and by the famous “Devils Teeth” Farallon islands

Participants will learn basic sailing skills like line handling and knots.  Navigation and voyage planning will be covered and essential communication and teamwork skills will practiced in the course of daily activities.  We welcome and urge passengers to join the crew in ship tasks such as preparation for sailing, coiling lines, meal preparation, night watches, and making the ship “ship shape”.

Cost:  $975/per person.

Included:  All meals and safety gear, a bunk with pillow and blanket, and an experience to remember for a lifetime!

  • this program may be subject to cancellation if there are fewer than 15 participants or if the weather does not allow for a sail to Drakes Bay.