October 25, 2024    6-9 PM

Event info and Registration here

Donate $40 to celebrate 40 years of educational sailing!

We hope you were able to join us for the April 20, 2024 Tall Ship Celebration.

Mark your calendars for next year’s Celebration on April 26, 2025!

Saturday April 20, 11 am-2 pm

A fundraiser for Call of the Sea’s scholarship Fund, which provides life changing on the water experiences to under served youth.
In addition to touring the ships, attendees enjoyed free educational activities and old time tunes by local favorites the Waterfront Pickers, a youth choir singing sea shanties in pirate costumes, educational activities by the Sailing Science Center, Community representation by Spauldings Marine Center and the Sausalito Working Waterfront, tours of the Bay Model and more!