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Save On the Water Education
Keep Call of the Sea Afloat
Your donation today is needed to sustain Call of the Sea, its incredible vessels, its crew, and our mission:
“to inspire people of all ages and backgrounds to connect with the sea and its tributaries through educational programs aboard traditional sailing vessels that focus on marine sciences,nautical heritage, the ocean environment and careers in the maritime profession”.
We like to think Call of the Sea is unsinkable. This pandemic may prove us wrong.

You have been a vital part of our crew, from building the Matthew Turner to supporting our educational mission. The voyage we have taken together has been unique – a volunteer crew of 500 building and launching the country’s only truly “green” tall ship.
Our gratitude, and that of the students who have benefited from your support, is boundless. But we are in the midst of a real storm. Charting a new course has kept us afloat, but it is not a voyage that is sustainable.
All paid staff and crew have been furloughed. Monthly expenses have been reduced by 75%. Nevertheless, loss of spring sailing revenue and likely larger losses during the summer mean that Call of the Sea could run out of funds before fall, fatally damaging our ability to sail, inspire, teach and explore.
We need all hands on deck to change course and hold fast to our dreams.
With your continued partnership, Call of the Sea can be part of the process of healing and recovery from the trauma of COVID 19. You can help by providing scholarships for students to help make up for lost days in the classroom. For communities hardest hit by the pandemic, your gift can help us provide kids/students/the community with an on-the-water experience they could not otherwise afford.
This current storm will pass. We hope Call of The Sea will be there sailing proudly and continuing to inspire, teach and explore.
Please help Call of the Sea navigate these treacherous waters by making a gift today and confirming your belief in the healthy life and perspective that sailing can provide.

Steven Woodside
Executive Director
Dr. David MacGregor
Board Chair
Alan Olson
Brenda S. Cook
Director of Advancement