
Seaward Back in US Waters and COI Update

April 3rd, 2020|

Dear Call of the Sea Supporters and Volunteers, We hope that you are well, and that you took the opportunity to read Alan's positive message recalling the launch of Matthew Turner on April 1, 2017. One long time supporter commented that "Alan's dream was contagious in the best sense."  We agree. For some, knowing that

Battening Down

March 27th, 2020|

As the insidious Coronavirus moves through the Bay Area, we have battened down our hatches. Matthew Turner is at the dock with only furloughed crew living on board. Seaward has left Baja and is sailing home as the wind allows--possibly along the historic Clipper route. Follow Seaward's progress. All are healthy and safe. We hope

Matthew Turner Crew making the best of sheltering aboard

March 25th, 2020|

Mate Kiel Kohler, Bosun Noah Limbach and deckhand educator Dinnie Jay decided to shelter in place during the Covid 19 Pandemic aboard Matthew Turner at her home dock dock at the Bay Model in Sausalito. They are comfortable and provided for on board and have been making the best of the situation by keeping busy

Changes in Sea State

March 20th, 2020|

Since our last message, the “sea state” has changed dramatically.  Like most of you, we have been sheltering in place, with our small staff, crew and Board communicating remotely. So far, everyone on our team remains healthy; and we hope that is true for you and your loved ones. School closures and lock downs have