“On a day when the wind is perfect,
the sail just needs to open
and the world is full of beauty.
Today is such a day.”
Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi
Today is indeed a beautiful day for Call of the Sea. After more than seven years of construction, months of pandemic related delays, and a week of practice with a newly assembled crew, brigantine Matthew Turner successfully completed its final on-the-water Coast Guard test and its formal Certificate of Inspection (“COI”) was signed by USCG Lieutenant Lloyd Diaz

Congratulations to the crew and thank you to the Coast Guard inspectors on board. Their masks hide their smiles!
What is next? Matthew Turnerwill soon be able to take passengers on day sails subject to Marin Public Health protocols and capacity limits. We will alert you when the schedule is posted.
Schooner Seaward starts is third “Young Salts Adventure Camp” this coming Monday.
Following the Camps, Seaward will start a series of educational sails to support outdoor learning for students who are not returning to the classroom this Fall. We will also alert you when this schedule is posted.
Thanks to many of you for making donation in response to our fundraising appealcurrently underway. Your contributions are making it more likely that we can stay afloat and carry out our mission. Of course, the pandemic storm could require us to batten down again; however, we are optimistic that our healthful and exciting Adventure Camp experience has set the stage for more sailing in the weeks to come.
Anchors aweigh,
Steven Woodside