Call of the Sea spent a day at the Exploratorium, exhibiting at an event organized by the NOAA Ocean Education team. The day featured tours of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Ship Okeanos Explorer and presentations targeted towards teachers by ocean educators including Call of the Sea, NOAA Ocean Exploration, the Sailing Science Center, the Greater Farallones Association, The Marine Mammal Center and LiMPETS Monitoring. Below are some of the environmental and education professionals in attendance. Click on the links below these images to learn more about those organizations and the educational programs they offer.

Volunteer Mike Wing and Director of Community and Business Development, Sylvia Stompe represented Call of the Sea

The Sailing Science Center was represented by SSC Founder Jim Hancock and several SSC volunteers
Limpets , a partner to the Greater Farallones Association, was represented by Jaclyn Schneider and Kayla Carter

The Marine Mammal Center was represented by Joelle Saute and Jade Fugini-Laws

The Greater Farallones Association was represented by Jenny Stock
Ocean Education resources were highlighted in this slides presentation. Click here to learn more about Ocean Education