
A Journey Through Time…

December 12th, 2020|

Dominican University Public History Program Dave Anderson, Call of the Sea's Deputy Director worked remotely with Dr. Jordan Lieser of Dominican University and his Public History class during 6 months of the pandemic to develop a series of podcasts and videos to augment the history curriculum for our students.   Dominican

Highlighting Educational Programs & Sponsors

November 11th, 2020|

Why attend Call of the Sea's Aloft Program? Our seamanship class engenders personal growth, builds self confidence and interpersonal skills like leadership and team work! Comments from scholarship applicants for the Aloft program: Another fear that I somewhat overcame... is the fear of sailing.   I've never grown up with doing exciting things

Support Students Learning on the Water

October 30th, 2020|

Donate Today! “Students are incredibly inspired to be back together again – to play, to follow, to work as a team and to be in this atmosphere of learning together again.”   Steve Kielar, Call of the Sea Director of Education Your support will bring more boys and girls to the

Aloft and Girls Aloft Programs

October 20th, 2020|

What is the Aloft Seamanship program?   A four hour course in the art, & skill of sailing and navigating a ship, for all ages and genders.  Seamanship builds teamwork and boosts self confidence by facing fears with the support of fellow crew members. Special dates available for Girls and young women, ages 12-24

Floating Classroom on Seaward

September 25th, 2020|

We are halfway through the 6 week launch of our full time educational program.  There are 2 cohorts of students engaging in sailing, marine environmental explorations, building projects to develop math, design and planning skills as well as leadership and team building skills.  They have journals they write in daily on various subjects. Call

GIRLS ALOFT! Seamanship program

September 16th, 2020|

On the water Experience aboard brigantine Matthew Turner Select Saturdays 8 AM-Noon, for young women ages 12-24. $125 per person.  Scholarships are available Students learn in an inclusive, healthy outdoor environment hands on sailing and Seamanship skills how science and physics problems apply to sailing the challenges of sailing as part of

Summer Camp

June 8th, 2020|

Sailing, Seamanship, Marine Science, Art and fun project-based learning to engage young hands and minds while making new friends. Register for Camp 2025 Summer Camp Schedule Summer Camp Sessions June 16 - 20 June 23 - 27 July 28 - August 1 August 4 - 8 August 11 - 15

Thumbs up for on the water education!

November 11th, 2017|

Bridge the Gap students from Sausalito had a chance to experience our marine environment while learning about ecology, history and navigation. They also developed teamwork skills and self confidence through helping to raise the sails and sail the ship.

Time sails by when you’re teaching hundreds of kids!

May 31st, 2017|

Schooner Seaward's spring season is wrapping up and her crew is beginning to prepare for summer voyaging. From April to June, Seaward crew taught lessons in marine ecology and biology, navigation, and seamanship to 58 student groups from all over the bay-that's over 2,000 students onboard, and 174 hours of underway-teaching! Schools came from as