Notes from the Shipyard: February 2017

February 1st, 2017|

Progress is on track for launching April 1. We are focusing on what absolutely needs to be done for launch, such as: prop shafts and props, steering gear, bow thruster, chain plates, thru hulls, bobstay

Notes from Seaward

December 1st, 2016|

Call of the Sea's Schooner Seaward prepares to head south! Join her on an adventurous voyage or a relaxing sail around Baja's pristine and beautiful coast. If you're a seasoned mariner, exercise your nautical skills

A Tale of Two Volunteers

December 1st, 2016|

By Tom and Ruth Bushaw "We are not carpenters or shipbuilders much less master craftsmen. We are not even sailors. But we helped build a beautiful wooden tall ship." We took a trip in January

Notes from the Shipyard: December 2016

December 1st, 2016|

We have set a goal to launch on April 1 and go sailing in Fall of 2017! This is a motivating wake-up call on what needs to be done and how to refine the project

Alans Notes

July 1st, 2016|

What a party! Our Annual Gala was wildly successful, not just because we sold out and raised more money than ever ($72k net). The energy was also fantastic with everyone having a great time together

Plank Painting

July 1st, 2016|

This year's Gala theme is "Celebrating the Whiskey Plank" and we'd like to honor our donors at the plank level and higher with a plank painted in their honor. Local artist Victoria Colella will be organizing

Volunteer of the Month – Jamie Meves

July 1st, 2016|

One day in the late 2014, Jamie Meves happened to pass the big white tent and decided to stop in to investigate; motivated by his interest in woodworking and sailing and wanted to help. When

Notes from Seaward

July 1st, 2016|

Our first few Voyage Seawards have been a great success! We have been working closely with Camp Sea Lab, a nonprofit based out of Monterey, to run programming from San Francisco to Monterey. Our programs

Students Visit the Ship!

May 1st, 2016|

Students from Willow Creek in Sausalito visited Matthew Turner again to learn about angles and area measurements, comparing the protractors that our engineers use vs the ones they use in classroom, knots and the importance